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153FD36JHDD8016P AB

ENCL Strtr with Crct Brkr SMC-flex
Manufacturer: Allen-Bradley
Manufacturer part number: 153F-D36JHD-D80-1-6P
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Product Details


Strtr with Crct Brkr SMC-flex


Strtr with Crct Brkr SMC flex,361A Controller,NEMA Type 12, 3R / IP54 Enclos,200208V AC 3 Phase 50/60Hz,120V AC Control,START STOP Push Button,Control Circuit Transformer,2000H x 600W x 500D mm,200VA Control Circuit Transfor,800A Circuit Breaker


START-STOP Push-Button


Country of Origin:MX
Current Rating:361A Controller
Enclosure Type:NEMA Type 12, 3R / IP54 Enclos
Size:2000H x 600W x 500D mm
Voltage Rating:200…208V AC 3 Phase 50/60Hz