How You Can Benefit from Ohio's TechCred Program

Published: Aug 10 2020

CBT TechCred 2020

Operational changes and budget limitations have us asking ourselves, “How do we continue to invest in our business and our employees to establish a secure platform in an ever-evolving technological environment?” 

Look to the State of Ohio’s TechCred Program to help you invest in your employees in the technology arenaYou may think because you don’t work in the “tech industry,” the TechCred program doesn’t apply to you. Whether you are an OEM, distribution center, food and beverage manufacturer, steel mill, or aggregate business, there is technology all around you. Technology is consistently evolving, from the drive that powers your motor to the programmable logic controller starting your drive to the Human Machine Interface (HMI) operating your entire production line. Investing in your current and future employees only helps to build a stronger foundation for your business. 

What is TechCred, and how does it help me? TechCred allows for employers to identify technological skills that are critical for their employees to possess and provides the reimbursement needed for your business to make the upfront investment.  The key to this program is that the training that your employees take needs to have three things:

  1. Industry recognized
  2. Technology-focused
  3. Short term (must be completed in 12 months or less than 30 credit hours)

Next Steps

How much is the reimbursement, and is it guaranteed?  Employers can be reimbursed up to $2,000 per credential, and employers are eligible to receive up to $30,000 per funding round. 

What are your next steps? As an employer, you must identify the skills needed and how many employees would affect.  Then, you contact your CBT Client Services Specialist from CBT Many of the Rockwell Training Courses that are available either at CBT’s Facilities or via E-Learning (remote and online) are on the TechCred Credential List. If a certain course is not listed, you can put in a request that it be added. When you receive a quote on the cost of these classes, you visit and apply online.  From there, you enroll your employees in one of CBT/RA’s training courses, then you upload a proof of credential completion, and finally, ultimately, you will receive your reimbursement. 

TechCred a fairly simple process to invest back into your business and back into your employees. If you should need help completing the TechCred application process before the deadline, please reach out to us! We would be happy to help.

Kristen Tommer CBT Specialist

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