CBT Increases Safety With Innovative Cloud-Based Lighting Alert System

Published: Mar 1 2021



A refining facility in Northwest Ohio was struggling to maintain safety standards for their employees. Due to the nature of the job and inclement winter weather, employees are often required wear specific safety shoes to prevent slips, trips, and falls in the building. There was no way to widely broadcast company-wide PPE requirements to employees except through email, which could be inaccessible to most employees for extended periods of time.



CBT’s Certified Lighting Specialist, Jason Self, worked with the safety team at the refining facility to develop a custom solution to alert employees of safety shoe requirements. Jason designed and implemented a cloud-based lighting control system into the parking lot lighting system to be seen by employees immediately upon arrival at the facility. He selected the brightest blue beacon lights available from CBT partner, Federal Signal, and implemented a cell phone app that allowed complete wireless activation of the lighting alert system. Jason calculated the exact distances at which the beacons could be seen during the day under full sun and the distance at which the lights would draw attention from all areas of the parking lot. This ensured the safety alerts will be seen at all times of the day and from all areas of the parking lot.



There have been zero safety incidents since the implementation of Jason’s customized lighting solution. Management at the refining facility is so pleased with the outcome that they are working with Jason to expand the system to include an ice detection system. This addition will notify refinery personnel directly when inclement weather is detected for immediate safety light activation.


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