Have Eyes on Your Processes 24/7 With Opticom Video Systems

Published: Sep 24 2019

opticom cameras

CBT is excited to announce our new partnership with Opticom Technologies, a leading manufacturer for industrial/commercial camera and video systems. With this new partnership CBT and Opticom will provide our customers with a robust video solution that will allow you to better monitor your equipment, processes, and workplace safety.

Three Reasons You Need an Opticom Video System:

  1. Security – Video systems offered by Opticom can take your facility’s surveillance system to the next level. Observe your plant floor from your remote location with a camera built to suit your environment.
  2. Process and Equipment Monitoring – If your operation runs in an extreme environment not suitable for a person to be exposed to, an Opticom Video System is the perfect solution. You can mount these rugged devices in extreme temperatures and in places where there are apparent safety risks to employees while still ensuring your equipment is running optimally and efficiently. We also love the remote monitoring feature. If you’re an OEM and your products are being placed at another location, you can remotely monitor the equipment directly from your smartphone, reducing downtime and saving money.
  3. Workplace Safety – It is imperative that employees follow workplace safety rules and regulations, and Opticom cameras provide you way to ensure employees remain safe. If you’re tapped into your video system, you can potentially stop workplace injuries before they happen.

The cameras designed by Opticom are specifically targeted for industrial and commercial environments. We are most excited for the stainless steel 360 camera, which is perfect for the food and beverage industry. This camera is easy to clean, rugged enough to withstand washdown, and completely food safe.

If your facility runs in an extreme environment – heat, rough terrain, mixing gases, or other potentially toxic materials – Opticom has video systems designed specifically to meet your needs.  

opticom video systems




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