OSHA's Most Cited Violations of 2020

Published: Jun 2 2021


Knowledge is power, and employee safety is a top concern for the manufacturing industry. Every year, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) publishes their most-cited safety violations in hopes that workplaces across the nation will take the necessary precautions to ensure standard compliance and reduce safety risks. The list varies only slightly from year to year, showing that despite the information being available, most businesses either don’t fully understand the OSHA standards, or they aren’t properly educated on how to take proactive steps to develop a comprehensive safety program for their operation.


Just as in prior years – CBT is here to educate you and provide you with the tools and processes necessary to keep your employees and your plant as safe as possible! 

If you’re interested in working with a safety specialist here at CBT, please click below! 

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