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Material Handling Issues Solved by Creative Solutions

Picture for category Material Handling Issues Solved by Creative Solutions

Did you know there are some floors of certain warehouses that are operated entirely by robots? CBT’s Andy Hillard and Ron Sherrick discussed some of the ongoing trends in material handling and how this is the optimal time to work on deferred maintenance. Read their insights and more in this month’s edition of The Conveyor.

Enhancing Industrial Networking Efficiency with CBT Specialists

Picture for category Enhancing Industrial Networking Efficiency with CBT Specialists

A leading manufacturer of over-the-counter health and wellness solutions was facing networking issues in 2020 with its remote IO and variable frequency drives communicating on DeviceNet and ControlNet protocols. To address these challenges, the company sought the expertise of CBT Specialists, who have assisted the manufacturer with previous projects before. 

The True Cost of Gray Market Products

Picture for category The True Cost of Gray Market Products

Today’s global economy provides everyone the ability to purchase products broadly on the internet. Sourcing non-genuine products, however, comes with risk and potential for unintended and unfortunate consequences. 

Optimize Your Maintenance with Fiix’s CMMS

Picture for category Optimize Your Maintenance with Fiix’s CMMS

Rockwell Automation, one of CBT’s closest partners, recently acquired Fiix, a cloud-based maintenance solution. 

CBT & PowerBuilt: Designed to Win


A few of our CBT Specialists recently visited PowerBuilt Material Handling Solutions in Bellefontaine, Ohio where we showcased a trailer of PBC Linear products for their engineers.  During the visit, several of PowerBuilt’s employees were able to get a personal look and hands-on demo of several of PBC Linear’s CNCs products.

John Fisher, director of engineering, was also kind enough to explain to us what PowerBuilt does as a company and gave us an anecdote of how CBT assisted his facility in a time of need.

“CBT is one of our valued vendors,” he said.

The Importance of MRO

Picture for category The Importance of MRO

As machines run and operate for long periods, they begin to lose efficiency. Pieces and parts wear down and before long will need to be replaced. By ignoring obvious maintenance warning signs, you risk one damaged component of your factory floor eventually harming others and having a domino effect.

MRO, or maintenance, repair and operations, is essential to running a business daily. Ignoring MRO could be detrimental to your business’ short-term operations and long-term financial health.

Improve Warehouse Conveyor Efficiency with Premium Mounted Bearings

Picture for category Improve Warehouse Conveyor Efficiency with Premium Mounted Bearings
Warehousing is a key component of any supply chain. And when conveyors are used to move products across a
warehouse facility, these systems are expected to deliver years of continuous, maintenance-free performance. But sometimes accidents happen, and conveyors break down or become inoperable for several reasons. Learn how high-quality mounted bearings can help improve the efficiency of your warehousing conveyors and limit your warehouse downtime.

Extend Bearing Life in Bulk Conveyors

Picture for category Extend Bearing Life in Bulk Conveyors

The bearings used in bulk material handling conveyors are expected to reliably move tons of rock, minerals or aggregate – in any weather.  Considering these unique challenges, bulk conveyor operators need mounted bearings that are engineered to stand up to high loads, physical impact, and extreme contamination. Learn how premium mounted bearing solutions can help extend bearing life in the harsh outdoor conditions of mines and quarries.