Duke Energy Lighting Rebates - 2018 Updates

Published: Feb 7 2018

duke energy rebates 2018   Lighting plays an important role in creating a work environment that is both pleasant and productive — and it’s a big part of your electric bill. That’s why it pays to install high-efficiency lighting systems. You’ll lower your operating costs while maintaining adequate lighting levels. New, energy-efficient lighting technologies provide direct or indirect lighting. Best of all, they use up to 30 percent less energy than standard fluorescent lighting equipment. That can mean energy savings and significantly lower operating costs. CBT makes a continuous effort to provide rebate updates to our customers. Duke Energy has completely revamped their 2018 lighting rebates, and we want you to be in the know. With Duke’s Smart $aver program you can offset the cost of new, energy-efficient technology that will provide abundant benefits for the work environment. Check out the fully updated rebate program here:

lighting rebates 2018 update

Rebates are a great way to increase ROI and save money in the long run. CBT has a dedicated team of lighting specialists there to guide you through the upgrade selection, installation, and rebate process. If you have been thinking of replacing your outdated fixtures, or if you are looking for guidance on where to start in your facility lighting upgrades contact your CBT lighting specialists today!

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