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Electrical Safety Month - Safety "I Spy" Contest

Published: Apr 29 2019

national electrical safety month


OSHA estmates there are approximately 187 electrical-related fatalities per year. Electrical hazards are not the leading cause of on-the-job injuries and fatalities, but they are fatal and costly. For every 13 electrical injuries, one worker dies and acccording to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, each workplace fatality costs the U.S. economy $5 million. Our focus this month is going to be spreading awareness and knowledge around PPE, proper electrical safety procedures, and CBT Safety Solutions. We are going to give you the resources you need to mitigate safety risks and protect your employees. 


Safety “I Spy” Contest

How to Play:

1. Find all the electrical safety/PPE in the picture below.

2. Comment below with the correct number of ALL safety/PPE items hidden in the image

3. Wait patiently for the winner to be announced on Monday, June 3rd on our Facebook page!



Note: Participants who find and properly identify all the safety equipment will be entered to win two Reds tickets for an upcoming game! You have until the end of the business day on Friday, May 31st to submit your answers, good luck!


electrical safety i spy

Stay tuned to our social media channels and Solutions Warehouse Blog for our month-long Electrical Safety campaign! 

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