Industrial Lighting Expertise

New Options for Industrial Lighting

Because of their importance to supply chains everywhere, manufacturers should have ample access to lighting options suitable for industrial and warehouse settings.The options for industrial lighting have evolved significantly over the past few decades. They now include technology such as full-spectrum lighting, which not only has been shown to combat seasonal affective disorder but also can benefit plants and assist with photosynthesis. Full spectrum lighting also has the advantage of allowing all colors to appear bright and rich—as opposed to fluorescent lighting, which could leave red colors looking dull. This factor would be important to take into consideration if you’re looking to replace the lighting in a factory that creates paint swatches and/or paint. One traditional and commonly used type of industrial lighting found in workplaces is incandescent lighting, which is also relatively inexpensive. Incandescent light bulbs use electrical current to heat narrow metal filaments inside the bulbs, and they have a relatively short lifespan of 500 – 1,000 hours. Two other similarly common types of light sources are halogen lighting and fluorescent lighting—both commonly used in warehouse and industrial-type settings. Halogen lights are typically used for floodlighting, often on construction sites and for nighttime asphalt maintenance and repair on city streets and highways. Fluorescent lights are known to be very durable and reliable, as well as energy efficient (~12,000-24,000 hours). However, for the most energy-efficient and eco-friendly option available, check out your LED lighting options for industrial settings. Impressively, they have a lifespan of up to 100,000 hours, while offering a great deal of light without the use of any toxic chemicals or gases. If you work in an outdoor or hazardous industrial environment, consider either high-intensity discharge (HID) lighting for outdoor flood lighting or enhanced fluorescent lights with wire cages surrounding the bulb, for applications such as welding or underwater use. If you’re unsure what kind of lighting is best for your company’s needs, contact us and one of our specialists can help find the best lighting solution for your organization.

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