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Lockout/tagout (LOTO) is a safety procedure that isolates energy sources to prevent unexpected startup or accidents that could cause injury. Machinery and equipment with lockout/tagout devices ensure no one can use them until all safety or maintenance issues are solved.
OSHA requires LOTO procedures to be stringently followed by employees who work on, near, or with systems that use electric energy. Compliance with lockout/tagout rules prevents 120 fatalities and 50,000 injuries annually. Proper facility personnel can review a fully comprehensive lockout/tagout plan for gaps, deficiencies, and flaws.
Creating a procedural plan is a great place to start, but scheduling a regular review to determine if LOTO procedures still comply with the most recent guidelines is vital. Audits are a crucial component of a comprehensive LOTO program – along with equipment-specific strategies, employee training, a corporate policy, and adequate devices. A thorough audit will ensure your LOTO procedures remain compliant with changing regulations.
Enhance your company’s compliance with custom LOTO training. Whether you have recently hired or experienced employees, this training program will expand your employees knowledge of the LOTO standards. OSHA requires LOTO audits and employee certification at least once a year to ensure your training meets the most up-to-date standards.
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Need to review and update your lockout/tagout procedures? Contact a Specialist today.