The service providers at CBT know the complexity of maintaining operational budgets to meet customer demand and sustain supply chain management. It’s a big undertaking, but the effects of consistent maintenance and management will lead to productive ordering capabilities. Below, you’ll find a few of the ways CBT can assist in decreasing budgets including a VMI system, proper auditing, machine predictive maintenance, and more.
The benefits of vendor-managed inventory in the warehouse or storeroom include meeting demand forecasts and planning for the unexpected. This starts – quite literally – from the ground up on the plant floor. Identifying the correct amount of stock for each process and equipment piece based on usage and sales data leads to effective future purchase orders. While the process can seem all-consuming, long term the time spent will be beneficial. After completing our plant floor auditing services, CBT will give recommendations on what products to purge in the storeroom that are no longer necessary. Check supplier and distributor stock levels and complete replenishments from retailers when necessary. Our VMI program will assess your needs and develop an inventory system to best monitor, track, order and replace any quantity of products available in your storeroom or warehouse.
Contact CBT Company today to help meet your cost reduction goals and develop the best inventory management for your employees.